Peter J. LaBarbera, LP, NCPsyA, LCSW
Licensed Psychoanalyst / Licensed Clinical Social Worker


During your initial contact with me on the phone, I can briefly listen to what your thoughts are and how I might be able to help you.

Initial Appointment

During the initial appointment, I focus on getting some history and other relevant background information. I will ask what it is that you yourself see as the problem and what it is that you would like to see happen in the therapy.
I will then share my thoughts on how I think I can best help you.

Treatment of Psychoanalysis

This form of therapy takes place at a minimum of 3 sessions each week. The frequency is geared to intensify the treatment and create a lasting and powerful outcome, as a result of a working through and resolution of the underlying emotional difficulties that are the cause of the problematic situation.

Individuals should be able to lie down on the couch, although resistances to doing this can be addressed.

Treatment of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

This therapy can begin with 1 session each week and eventually increase to 2 sessions. This is a very effective form of treatment for many people. The couch is not necessary with this form of therapy.

Treatment of Couples

Couples therapy consists of a 60-minute session and should be a short term form of treatment. I usually recommend     16 sessions at a once per week frequency. If handled properly, this should be enough time to transition to individual therapy. The reason for this is that the long term treatment of couples, can actually delay the opportunity for each person receiving the appropriate help that they require - moving forward.  This is due to the fact that couples treatment alone will not resolve all of the underlying issues that are causing the problem. This is a common misconception on the part of many.

After the couples therapy is completed, I recommend that both individuals begin individual therapy. One party can begin working with me if this is agreeable and the other may be referred to one of my colleagues.

Treatment of Adolescents

The laws relating to mental health services for adolescents require that the content of the sessions be of a confidential nature. Parents must accept this and additionally that unless the child has a trusting relationship with the therapist, the treatment will not be effective.

Children must be able to feel safe in the therapeutic environment and it is essential that it be made clear to them that what is spoken about in the sessions is of a confidential nature. This of course excludes the scenarios where the child indicates a desire to hurt themselves or someone else. These situations are made clear to everyone involved at the very beginning of treatment. 

Over the years, I have presented many clinical workshops on working with adolescents to mental health professionals. These have been the result of having treated approximately 3,000 adolescents over a period of 30 years. The structure for this form of treatment must be set up and agreed upon with all individuals involved when treatment begins.

A minimum frequency of 1 session each week must be maintained for me to accept someone for any form of treatment that I provide.

Educational Services

I provide psychoanalytic supervision to mental health professionals and students. This is done on a one time per week basis. I also provide training or control analysis for psychoanalytic candidates.

Consultation is also available for specific complex cases.

Medical Insurance Coverage

I am a participating provider with Medicare and accept Medicare along with the secondary insurance as full payment for session.

I am an R certified LCSW in the State of New York which requires most insurance companies to accept me as an outside provider. However, there may be exceptions to this.

Sessions are scheduled by appointment.